Saturday, August 13, 2011

6 Sentence Sunday: The Nightmare

Thanks for stopping by to read my Sunday Six and a special thanks to everyone for your comments. Jumping right in, here is the next excerpt from my historical romance.

The set-up:  Isabelle feels increasingly uneasy as the days go by and she fails to receive any word from her new employer as to her duties. Homesickness and worry take their toll. She wakes in the middle of the night, revisited by a dream that has haunted her for years.

I’ve cheated this week and given you seven sentences. I just couldn’t make it work with six. Please don’t be too hard on me for being long-winded :-) 

A Bed of Thorns and Roses #6

The nightmare again.

Or not so much a nightmare as a memory that came to her in her sleep, demanding to be let in, waking her with the sort of terror that sucked the breath from her lungs. How many times had she relived the horror? The eyes behind the screen, watching her. The pain. Always, the pain. And the blood.

Next week:  Isabelle decides to resign.


  1. Unsettling six. This had made me want to know more of what happened in the past. I hope she doesn't resign!

  2. Oh dear, definitely sounds like a nightmare!

  3. Great torment, a sensational six! Thank you.

  4. I can feel her misery. Great six. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I can feel her fear. Scary six!

  6. The title The Nightmare your six up nicely! Good job

  7. Great six! TY for the visit to Michael M's also!

  8. Wow. I've GOT to know more about this nightmare and the memory behind it. Just enough info to intrigue me and make me turn the page.

  9. Lots of intensity in just a few words. Good job.

  10. Nicely disturbing! (Just between you and me, creative punctuation can bring you in at six when necessary. Ellipsis would have worked perfect. *grin*)

    A Way To A Dragon's Heart 6SS

  11. Not a nice feeling, and so well rendered: the sticky quality of a really bad recurring dream.

  12. Nice and I completely agree with Xakara :)
